Friday, 12 September 2014

Scottish Independence Vs J.K. Rowling

Braveheart, The Freedom Speech
It's been more than 600 years since Blind Harry wrote The Actes and Deidis of the Illustre and Vallyeant Campioun Schir William Wallace, more popularly known to the modern film goers as the Scottish freedom fighter William Wallace! Tie hugging, perfect suit wearing Scottish Independence leader Alex Salmond might as well be going baldy and on the side of being called 'beefy' compared to the flaming manes and athletic built of Mel Gibson playing Wallace, but in spirit he has no doubt ignited the spirit what Blind Harry would have preferred to see if he could get back his eye sight!

The way English press including BBC, Guardian and the so called lefties vilifying and fear mongering about Scottish Independence campaign leader Alex Salmond, one can imagine how they portrayed Gandhi!

It doesn't need a second guessing how Churchill would have responded to the Kilt wearing youths marching in Glasgow, Edinburgh in favour of Scottish Independence! Churchill publicly expressed his disgust at the pact signed by Gandhi and the then Viceroy to India Lord Irwin  " the nauseating and humiliating spectacle of this one-time Inner Temple lawyer, now seditious fakir, striding half-naked up the steps of the Viceroy’s palace, there to negotiate and parley on equal terms with the representative of the King Emperor."

Saying that Salmond is a friend of North Korea is not only laughable but also shows where can English press come down to protect the interests of it's political masters. The embedded interest of British money, media and politics has inherently collided with peoples interest globally as much as locally!The Westminster elite is the instrument that destroyed Iraq; this is the political class that shied away from the Schengen treaty and other human rights convention that guarantees freedom of movements within European Union; This is the political class that has exploited Islamophobea and other falls fear mongering tactics about Europe to nourish extreme, fascist right that now officially represent the not so much Great Britain in European parliament!English press is completely ignoring that a significant numbers of Scots wants to have closer ties with Europe!

The deliberate misinterpretation of Scottish Independence campaign and showing it as teenagers whim, communist ploy etc. in fact showing how much bankrupt the Westminster elite is!It's not surprising that Rupert Murdoch owned Scottish Sun is favouring the Independence campaign! One or other way Murdoch surely puts profit before people in running his monstrous media conglomerate! But there is a difference between the psyche of Harrods owner Al Fayed and Rupert Murdoch! When Al Fayed begged again and again to be a British Subject and failed; Rupert in his part abandoned his Australian citizenship which is constitutionally linked still with the British monarchy! Rupert Murdoch is a republican by conviction and him taking US citizenship means he is no more part of any Commonwealth theme park! Here, Alex Salmond wants to keep both the pound and the Queen! Surely enough both the Pound and Queen would need to redefine themselves if the 'yes camp' gains majority and Scotland becomes an Independent country as much as the as the phrase, 'Scot Free'!

J.K. Rowling Tweets : The Rude Awakening!

Harry Potter creator JK Rowling has lend her voice in favour of the unionist 'no' campaign! Earlier this summer she made a £1m donation to the campaign to keep Scotland part of the UK. She is saying that she didn't donate the money "out of self-interest, but because I care very deeply about the people who still [are] where once I was. They are being asked to play a game before they're told the rules. And if it goes badly wrong, they will pay."

Writing on Twitter over the last few days, Rowling has reiterated where her loyalties lie, telling her 3.65 million followers that "I'm voting 'no' then supporting anyone who'll give us Devo Max", even though she believes that she would be "just fine" in an independent Scotland.

"I don't rely on one of the big employers talking about leaving the country. I don't rely on benefits any more. If our economy tanks because the oil's running out, my family will be OK," she wrote. "That's not true for everyone who's being sold the idea that we'll be a fabulous hybrid between Norway and Saudi Arabia … a socialist utopia where the oil will flow forever."

"Lottery winners and Brian Souter can afford – literally – to dabble [in] independence as an interesting experiment," she wrote. "If we have a bad oil year, nobody's going to tide us over any more. It'll be borrow, cut or tax. I don't rely on benefits, I'm not employed by a big financial institution, I'll take the tax hike. Who's going to suffer? Most of the big earners will say 'shove your supertax, I'm off South' – or, if Labour are down there, Monaco. Who'll be hurting, paying increased tax/losing public services/paying off the deficit? Not me."

The yes voters she knows, said the Harry Potter author, fall into three camps on the economy. "First lot genuinely believe the experts are wrong that oil's running out and that we'll blackmail Westminster into monetary union. Hope they're right if it's a 'yes' vote!" she tweeted. "2nd lot are the zealots – don't care if the economy implodes, this is a holy crusade. 3rd lot are turned off by economic talk. If the money in their purse looks the same, nothing's changed."
Westminster, she said, "haven't listened to Scotland and they deserve their rude awakening".

"If it's yes, I hope that everything will work out exactly as Alex Salmond promises, because I love this country," she wrote, telling her followers "people before flags, answers not slogans, reason not ranting, unity not enmity.''


Emma Thompson,The Oscar-winning actress, the voice of Queen Elinor in the animated film 'Brave' set in medieval Scotland, said few years ago “I understand the romance of it. I understand the passion for it, given that the relationship between the two countries has been so belligerent and so difficult and England was so awful to Scotland.” But she added: “I find it difficult to accept it when borders are still causing so many problems. Why insist on building a new border between human beings in an ever-shrinking world where we are still struggling to live alongside each other?”

Other than getting James Bond star Sean Connery and Gerard Butler in the 'Yes' camp, lets see how the Independence campaigners responded to the noisy 'No'!

Today’s the anniversary of the 1997 referendum that led to the creation of the Scottish parliament and Alex Salmond, Scotland’s first minister, is going to make it by holding what is being billed as a major press conference for the international media. According to the BBC, Salmond will be accompanied by Canon Kenyon Wright, who chaired the Scottish Constitutional Convention (the cross-party body that created a blueprint for devolution before Labour was elected.) Wright will say:
''The tactics used by ‘No’ simply prove that they fail to understand how deeply that principle of Scotland’s right is rooted in our history.
First there was the stick to threaten us. Now the carrot to tempt us.
First the blackmail - be naughty and vote ‘Yes’ and we’ll punish you. Now the bribe - be good, vote ‘No’ and we’ll reward you.
Scotland needs something devolution can never give - the secure power to make her own decisions; to follow her own vision of a just fair society, to take her positive place among the nations of Europe and the world, to be free from the constant interference from Westminster.''
While Scottish bands Franz Ferdinand, Frightened Rabbit would hold independence gig in Edinburgh, 'Train Spotting' famed Scottish new wave novelist Irvine Welsh puts his thumbs up for independence!

Irvine Welsh  On Scottish Identity
Vivienne Westwood: 'No' Voters Are 'Stupid'

English fashion guru Vivienne Westwood stunned the fashion world by getting her models to wear the 'Yes' badge in support to the Scottish Independence in the London Fashion Week's spring show  2014-15!

Westwood Models In London Fashion Week 2014-15

Baroness Westwood said, 'If you stay with England things will get worst and worst and worst. We are in a spiral of poverty, where any profit is syphoned off into monopolies, into big banks." She added quite strongly, ''I hate England. I love Scotland...'' She summed up J.K.Rowlings and Emma Thompsons, ''I am afraid they are scared and stupid, the one's that vote 'No'. They don't have any perspective.'' 

Vivienne Westwood, London Fashion Week 2014-15

Win or no win The Scottish Independence campaign without a single bullet shot, a single bomb detonated shows the power to reclaim the mantle bestowed to us by Gandhi and Mandela! No wonder that Salmond is claiming that the referendum for Scottish Independence could be historically compared to that first South African election that saw the end of apartheid there!

Choyon Khairul Habib