Wednesday 4 August 2010

Red lentil Day

As a regular Bengali kid I grew up with dal and vat!Dal is red lentil soup and vat is rice.Didn't have any problem with my dal, vat supply all these years when I was living in London.Every super market, every corner shop would have red lentil!And it was quite cheap in UK!Well at least I didn't need to sell my organs for that!
Once I moved to France I found that French are not at all into red lentles!It must be the colour!They like the green and brown lentles.Any way not that you can not find red lentles in France!There is this exclusive rip off super market called Monoprix, you find red lentles especially packed with the seal, 'Bio'!And 250g would cost you a body organ!Look what, just next to the red lentil shelf there was a organ doantion sign!!

Eventually I found red lentles today in an African shop.I paid there for 500g what the price should be!There was no fad branding of 'Bio' or 'Organic' on it!Now Monoprix might say: eh, what the Africans know about food!But surely French could learn a bit more from others instead of just fad branding of normal foods if they want to avoid the cancer epidemic!That is not coming from non-organic lentles!It's coming from their meat!
