Monday 16 August 2010

Religious Feelings Or Religion Versus Feelings

Ku Klux Klan Rally 1923

“Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.”

Steven Weinberg, Conference on Cosmic Design, April 1999

Feeling is simply "to feel". The word was first used in the English language to describe the physical sensation of touch through either experience or perception. The word is also used to describe experiences, other than the physical sensation of touch, such as "a feeling of warmth".
In psychology, the word feeling is usually reserved for the conscious subjective experience of emotion.Phenomenology and heterophenomenology are philosophical approaches that provide some basis for knowledge of feelings. Many schools of psychotherapy depend on the therapist achieving some kind of understanding of the client's feelings, for which methodologies exist. Some theories of interpersonal relationships also have a role for shared feelings or understanding of another person's feelings

Islamist Demonstrating Infront Of The Danish Eembassy in London 2006

Religion contrary to feeling is in general a set of beliefs. Whether the meaning centers on a deity or deities, or an ultimate truth, religion is commonly identified by the practitioner's prayer, ritual, meditation, music and art, among other things, and is often interwoven with society and politics.
Religion is sometimes used interchangeably with faith or belief system and where rituals are refered as spiritual it still is revolving around a set of belief or more precisely a make-belive system!

Whether broadbased religion working through it's set rules or cult based groups working through taboos and superstiotions the faith system would aim at imposing restrictions where one would not be even allowed to feel certain things!If feelings work through the senses than Hindus are not allowed to know how does it tastes or how it feels to eat beef and Muslims for that cause wouldn't know the taste of pork!When some people go for the health arguement of the vegetarian diet that can also fall into the catagory of religious belief system denying the natural balance of the eco system of life living on life!

I couldn't really figure out when religious leaders coined this 'RELIGIOUS FEELING' phrase!Seems more the religions distanced iteself from nature and the more it needed to distract the understanding and devolopement of human feelings both the preachers and practisioners felt at home with 'Religious Feelings', knowing pretty well that they needed a devine justification to exploit nature! 

Critics in both west and east  have posed a variety of arguments against religion. Some modern-day critics ranging from Marx to Dawkins  while discussing the  irrationality of religion also asserted that dogmatic religions are in effect morally deficient, elevating as they do to moral status ancient, arbitrary, and ill-informed rules—taboos on eating beef by the Hindus, pork by the Muslims, Jewish Khosher for example, as well as dress codes and sexual practices.

Nobel Peace Laureate, Muslim and human rights activist Dr Shirin Ebadi has spoken out against undemocratic Islamic countries justifying "oppressive acts" in the name of Islam. Speaking at the Earth Dialogues 2006 conference in Brisbane, Dr Ebadi pronounced her native Iran - as well as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Yemen "among others" - guilty of violating human rights. "In these countries, Islamic rulers want to solve 21st century issues with laws belonging to 14 centuries ago," she said. "Their views of human rights are exactly the same as it was 1400 years ago."

Ironically the word 'fundamentalism' had it's root in the charter of the Prinston Theological Seminar PTS which was picked up by the American media to describe the Iranian regime as the coinage was already familiar to the American psyche!'The Clash Of The Civilization' doctrin was also supplied by the Christian theologocal seminarys!It's also worth to observe that diffedrent religion allow it's respctive priests to be attatched to the conventional military and even in modern warfare soldiers take there oath of alligiance by touching religious books!Thats some kind of  feelings definitely!

We are still at an age where more money get poured in Vatican and Mecca than Unesco!Or more money ivested still to controll the mind and split the personality!Feelings are still a way too far cry for the humanoids!
