Friday 10 September 2010

Numbers And Neurology Of Intimacy

Why I am so much bothered about the statistical data of my online activities?Apart from being a communication tool these activities surely changing or already changed our perception on things!
When fb or Myspace change their format quite a substantial number among us react such a way that can be explained only in terms of sense of belongingness!Loyalty cards for those who crossed the 1,000 member bar like the supermarket chains?Easy rate loans for who reached 5,000?An instant and continuous  mash of 'Crime and punishment'? 

Gosh, fb is going to change their format; as if we've come back from work and found somebody has changed the way we left our house in the morning!So many millions for instance keeping their privacy setting in a way  that others can not see the friends list!!Somebody might feel here unwelcome in the back yard!!And the perceptual validity of that feeling can also breed perceptual conflict of interest!!Irak situation, African blood diamonds and so on all other things can be swallowed in that void of perceptuall let downs!!

Why it is not happening with Yahoo is another question?Well if you take the pseudonames, fakes, clones, counterfeits the happenings in fb, Myspace type social networking  is in actuality or in essense is way apart from any real sense of belongingness and present us with a synthetic sense of belongingness!Probably Yahoo founders are aware of it and not bothered to present it for what it is not!

The size of my personal profile shows that my profiles friends are not exploited or imposed with conditions that they have to join any of the above groups!The groups growth rate is not really proportionate with my own profile!Issues, personal liking, partisan alegiance seems account for the disproportionate relationship of personal a/c and groups!But even with this writing what I would attempt is to make the best of this synthetic sense of belongingness.Well The Newyork Times Syndicate is not going to do it for me!So I would do it for myself in Yahoo, Twitter, blogger, fb, Picassa whichever tools are available!But have I got anything to sell?

Here a British joke!The English never want to play football with the Indians!Why?Because, whenever the Indians would get a corner, instead of making a corner kick they would make a corner-shop!But the joke-brewer also forgetting that the English efforded their football turfs by snatching away from the Indians!!

Choyon Khairul Habib