Monday 20 September 2010

The Muhammad Book: The Rushdie Discourse In The Guise Of Lifestyle Literature

I was following Popes visit in UK and eventually came up with, 'Pope, Pokemon and porn don't drop from the sky'! While revolving around the Papal visit  bumped on  lifestyle guru Deepak Chopras interview in Newyork Times on his last book 'Muhammad', a few thoughts got added to my brain storming!

Life imitate art and art imitate life, that was the saying!Rushdie didn't bother about the wise cracks and chalenged the notion of unquestioned venerability of the devine!In his core message Salman Rushdie forever changed the routemap of literature and established itself larger than art or life!A Voltaire of our time, Rushdie showed the monumental weight of questioning through literature and subsequently found the world devided on it at the expense of his own life!

No wonder that life-style-guru Deepak Chopra would use his charm to have a bite of the bitter sweet Rushdie cake!We get a Voltaire or a Rushdie in a minimum of 200 years gap!But we get the Chopras almost in every high street corner everyday!There are soaps, there are operas and then there are soap operas!I consider each and every work of Rushdie as the highest form of litarary art that can only be compared with the finest of the operas!What the Mullahs did and has been doing around it since is what we call soap opera!

Successfull soap operas always followed by copycats!!Here lifestyle gurus prooved where are they shalower than life!Not that the questioning should not continue!Chopra is a smart player in the circuit and knows the scores quite well!!He goes to the insurers before he starts even pondering on a spiritual speech!But who has insured him this time?Jackson is dead!Could it be Arnie the Demolision Man or the whole gang of Republicans who once made pact with the Iranians to keep the American hostages a little bit longer than due!A stiring wave is to come and we can hope that the cheapshot best selling lifestyle literatures would keep the sunami of the Rushdie discourse felt fresher than ever!

Choyon Khairul Habib